Release The Magic Mountain in High Quality Video
Now you can see The Magic Mountain in top video format with duration 85 Min and was published in 2015-07-08 with MPAA rating is 0.- Original Title : La montagne magique
- Movie title in your country : The Magic Mountain
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-07-08
- Companies of movie : Aparte Film,
- Countries of movie : Poland, Romania, France,
- Language of movie :
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie :
- Actors of movie :Christophe Miossec (), Lizzie Brocheré ()
Movie summary of The Magic Mountain :
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Director : Anca Damian, Screenplay : Anca Damian, Screenplay : Anna Winkler, Animation : Thodore Ushev, Animation : Sergiu Negulici, Animation : Raluca Popa, Animation : Dan Panaitescu, Animation : Tomek Ducki, Music : Alexander Balanescu, Editor : Ion Ioachim Stroe, Art Direction : Thodore Ushev, Art Direction : Sergiu Negulici, Art Direction : Raluca Popa, Art Direction : Dan Panaitescu, Art Direction : Tomek Ducki, Producer : Anca Damian
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